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Preserving Muscle in Menopause

New research suggests that taking vitamin D supplements can help women to significantly increase their muscle strength and reduce the loss of muscle mass for at least 12 years after menopause. Dr LM Cangussu, from the Botucatu Medical School at Sao Paulo State University (Brazil), and colleagues conducted the double-blind, placebo-controlled trial over a nine-month […]

Hot Flash Havoc for YEARS!

Conventional wisdom is that hot flashes, which afflict up to 80 percent of middle-aged women, usually persist for just a few years. But hot flashes can continue for as long as 14 years, and the earlier they begin the longer a woman is likely to suffer, a study published on Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine […]

A Woman’s Guide to Menopause

Naturally, women lose their estrogens around the age of 50. Many may state that this is the natural way of the body. But why then, do so many women feel so badly when this happens? The answer is that estrogen is needed throughout the course of life to regain and sustain optimum health. Hormones, like […]